U.S. Dispute Resolution

How can I contact Nova Credit?

You can contact us in a number of ways: 

  • Via our webform on our contact page: here 

  • Via phone - call us at +1 (844) 423-1345 and leave a message

  • Via mail:  Nova Credit Consumer Operations, PO Box 77188,  San Francisco, CA 94107.

How do I correct the information on my Nova Credit report or file a dispute?

If you believe that information contained in your report from Nova Credit is inaccurate, incomplete, or otherwise incorrect, you can start a dispute by clicking the link to our dispute forms and selecting one of the options below.

  • Credit Passport (international credit reports)

  • Income Navigator (income verification)

  • Cash Atlas (cash flow underwriting)

If you would prefer to submit your dispute via mail, please download this form, fill it out and send it to the address listed above.

How can I get a copy of my report?

Depending on the type of report and product, you may receive an email with a link to access your Nova Credit report. Once you click the link in the email, you’ll be asked for your last name (surname) and date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY). Please fill those out and download your report. 

Please visit us here if you encounter any issues with your download.

If you didn’t receive an email, please reach out to us to request a copy of your report by using the Contact Us page, and choosing “can not find credit report”  in the dropdown menu under “Which best fits the issue you’re having?”.

How do I submit a human trafficking survivor request?

To submit a request to have adverse information blocked from your Nova Credit consumer report under the human trafficking section of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, complete this form and mail it to one of these addresses: 

  • Nova Credit Inc. Attn: Survivor of Human Trafficking Submission P.O. Box 77188 San Francisco, CA 94107;


  • Nova Credit Inc. Attn: Survivor of Human Trafficking Submission, 12 W 21st St - 5th Floor, New York, NY 10010.

If you would like to submit a request online, please use our Contact Us page. In the description field, please indicate your preferred method of contact (mail, email, or phone). Please be ready to provide the following information:

  • Your preferred method of contact (mail, email, or phone).

  • Your victim determination documentation (e.g. a self-attestation or documentation that you are a victim of human trafficking as set out in the FCRA)

  • The adverse items of information you wish to be blocked

  • As much of the following information you can provide to enable us to verify your identity and locate your report:

First and last name

Date of birth

Social security number

Current address

Phone number

How do I withdraw my consent for Instalogic to store my Indian Credit Bureau data?

Please send an email to Instalogic’s consent withdrawal email address at instalogicwithdrawal@novacredit.com, requesting that your Indian credit bureau data be deleted.

Please provide the following information in your email:

  • Full name (first and last names)

  • Date of birth

  • Email address

  • Most recent foreign address

Instalogic (via Nova Credit’s Consumer Operations team) will confirm receipt of your request immediately. 

Within 24 hours of your request, we will identify your report and delete it. 


Within 48 hours of your request, you will receive an email confirming the deletion was completed, along with the date and time of the deletion.